BIZLATIN HUB, Argentina – Global Accounting Alliance Member

Start your Company in Argentina

Economic Overview & Business Opportunities

Since the early 1990s, Argentina has experienced some incredible transitions to it economic and political structure. It is now characterised by a high growth rate and a free economic framework, which is recognised as one of the most open in the world. This means that there is complete liberality to set prices and nurture domestic and foreign commerce.

Argentina boasts many natural resources, qualified human resources and the synergies deriving from our commercial partnership with countries like Brazil make it an attractive country in which to invest. There are additional incentives for certain economic sectors as well as regional incentives in many provinces which encourage supporting infrastructure for companies such as “Industrial Parks” or “Duty Free Areas”.

Services Offered

  • Company Formation
  • Banking
  • Legal Services
  • Hiring and PEO
  • Accounting and Taxation
  • Tax Advisory
  • Visa Processing

Our Team

David Wright

David Wright

Craig Dempsey

Craig Dempsey

Contact Information

Our Accreditation

3E Accounting Accreditation