Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP): Revolutionizing Global Trade

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP): Revolutionizing Global Trade

Importance of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in Global Trade With the continuous rise of COVID-19 cases worldwide, economic prosperity has been put at stake. Leaders continue to struggle to restore the damages this pandemic has brought. But the establishment of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is expected to limit these effects and redirect…

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Why Set Up Business in Kenya

Why Set Up Business in Kenya

Set Up Business in Kenya: Take Advantage of Its Opportunities Investing is a very good way to keep your money working and growing. It has its risks, but when it works out, its benefits are really favourable. Setting up a business is one of the many ways to invest your money. Its advantages include getting…

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Why Set Up Business in Tanzania

Why Set Up Business in Tanzania

Reasons Why You Should Set Up Business in Tanzania Tanzania is formerly known as Tanganyika. Tanzania is the largest of the East African countries and sadly one of the poorest countries in the world. The economy is generally fuelled by agriculture, which accounts for more than one-quarter of the country’s gross domestic product. However, the…

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France Public Holiday 2019

France Public Holiday 2019

Public Holidays in France for 2019 France has 11 public holidays every year. However, only Labor Day is a statutory holiday. The entitlement to paid holidays and conditions that work on French national holidays depends on the employee-employer contract discretion or union. The majority of these holidays are applicable across nations, but two regions have extra public…

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