Get To Read The Different Ways To Register A Company In France
If not all, most of us would want to start a business in France. However, it is not as easy as we dream it is. An aspiring businessman must know what the legal possibilities in the country are, as well as the different types of company and how to register them. In this article, we will give you an overview on how to register a company in France.
Registering an individual business is said to be the easiest method when it comes to running a small business. Firstly, the operation should register in the French company register located in the Registry of the Commercial Court in the location where the business would operate. Although this gives the benefit of a micro enterprise tax and social regime of being an “auto entrepreneur,” it will not ensure the operator’s security of personal property should there occur problems in financial matters. To register a company in France never appeared so effortless.
S.A.R.L (Société à Responsabilité Limitée) & E.U.R .L. (Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée)
This kind of company is likened to the British “LIMITED COMPANY.” The local SARL will be able to transfer dividends to its parent company. If the French’s company’s manager is mainly based in England for an activity operated in France, the French company will pay due management fees to the parent company and take it away from its profit.
This process of registration to the French company register is more complicated than that of the individual business’. However, this should not be a big problem because there would be an accountant who can speak fluent English who can make this process faster, easier, and more bearable.
S.A. (Société Anonyme) & S.A.S. (Société par Actions Simplifiée)
If the S.A.R.L structure is more complex than the individual business, the structure of these types are more complicated than the S.A.R.L. However, a willing and knowledgeable investor based in France may adopt this structure for the sole purpose of strengthening its social and legal protection.
French Establishment of an English corporation
If you wish to register a company in France of this kind, it should go easy, simple, and inexpensive for you. Firstly, it is important to appoint someone who will stand as the representative of the company in France and to provide the registry of the commercial court a list of the company’s rules, as well as the lease of the premises where the operation will take place. Should there be changes in the rules, changes should soon be applied.
To register a company in France sounds tedious, but the advantage of this kind is the complete opposite. It ensures speed because there will be a lack of legal operations during the process.
In this circumstance, the operation that transpired in France will pay due tax inside the country. However, the British company will incorporate into its accounts the expenses and profits of its French company. The tax that was paid in France will then be decreased from the total payable to the tax consultants in England.
To register a company in France sure appear intimidating and tedious, but with these tips in your mind, your operation should go well.